Fat Max Training for Healthy Aging
  • Training to improve your fat metabolism
  • Low-intensity training for consistency
  • Periodical physiological threshold measurement
  • Kinomap support
What is Fat Max Training?
  • Focus on improving fat metabolism
    The focus is not on how many calories you burn but on improving your physiological capability to burn fat as fuel. As your Fat Max is improved, you can keep moving longer at the intensity (Fat Max) around MFO(Maximum Fat Oxidation) while burning more fat. It results in even more calories than shorter and harder effort whose primary fuel is carbohydrate.
  • Check aerobic threshold every quarter
    Whatever method you use, the key is how to monitor progress. Fat Max is difficult to measure directly. However, it is well known that it is slightly below aerobic threshold such as VT1 or LT1. Using a "Talk Test", VT1 can be measured reliably by yourself.
  • Consistency
    A training is done by keeping power slightly below your own aerobic threshold. It is a low intensity exercise but around the maximum capability to burn fat as fuel. This allows you to achieve consistency because the intensity is customized only for you and there is less risk of injury.
Why Fat Max Training for healthy aging?
Fat Max is at the ground zero of the health risk model as illustrated above.
  • The decline of oxidative capacity and the more dependence on glycolytic metabolism
    The more dependence on glycolytic metabolism(carbohydrate as fuel) leads to metabolic syndrome, dysfunction of mitochondria, and lower VO2Max which is known as higher risks of all-cause mortality and CVD. Fat Max Training is a reliable and efficient weapon against this decline.
  • More kindness to yourself and others
    The consistency of Fat Max Training brings you more confidence. It will allow you to be more kind to yourself and others. It is one of the most important things for your healthy life.
How It Works
First Aerobic Threshold Measurement
Fat Max Training should begin with the measurement of your aerobic threshold. This can be done by a Talk Test or any other methods available. Recognizing your threshold sets your course on this journey.
Low intensity exercise at Fat Max
Make a low intensity exercise at Fat Max, which is slightly below your aerobic threshold, a routine. Increase duration and frequency as you get fitter.
  • Do not exceed your aerobic threshold. You can't get the intended effect because that kicks in glycolytic metabolism.
  • Avoid 1 hour after a meal to lower the blood sugar level.
  • Drink water or anything else without sugar.
Periodic Aerobic Threshold Measurement
The measurement of your aerobic threshold is repeated periodically, typically every quarter. This allows you to monitor your progress. When you have pain somewhere in your body, this is a good chance to see how it happens by intensity.
      Takenori Sato
      Founder & Health Engineer
      He founded the company and is a father of 4 kids. After 20 years of experience in Information Retrieval as an entrepreneur, he focuses on fitness for healthy aging. He works with his wife together.
      Takenori Sato
      Founder & Health Engineer
      He founded the company and is a father of 4 kids. After 20 years of experience in Information Retrieval as an entrepreneur, he focuses on fitness for healthy aging. He works with his wife together.
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